Hello again dear friends and even those who aren't.
Someone once said "It's like De Ja Vu all over again"
Here's the way I see it. This government is chock full of incompetent career union hacks who have never held down a job that produced or manufactured or contributed to the economy in any way, shape or form. They have always been takers. Takers reliant opon the sweat of the brow, strength of the backs or intellectual capacity of those who work and EARN a living, eke out a livelihood in order to provide for themselves and their families.
These union hacks who are supposed to represent the workers do so with their snouts not only in the public trough but are feted by airlines, hotels, sporting organisations and sundry others who lavish them with freebies. Just check here for the declarations: http://www.openaustralia.org/
What they need now is a patsy, someone to "take the fall" someone who will be willing to "take one for the team" and here's the way it will go.
An industrial dispute will come to a head - my pick is back to the waterfront given that Saint Corrigan and Saint Reith lubed them up, bent them over and boofed them like Bob Brown at an after mardi gras party at Greens HQ!
A set-up is in the making where liebor intends to come out smelling like the roses growing from its own shit. Whether or not section 431 of the GilLIARd act will be invoked is questionable, but be sure my dear reader, that if it is, it will be done with the certainty that any legal challenge will fail.
A setup - no more, no less. That is the way that these fools will attempt to justify their outrageous incompetence - by setting up a patsy. It could easily have been boofhead Sheldon, but no, he is destined for higher office.
There will be a sweetheart deal done with someone to show that these liebor halfwits are prepared to stand up to unions and take it all the way to ending a mickey mouse dispute with the fair work legislation.
Well we are not fools and will not be fooled and if this small piece in the cyberspace of the internet universe makes a skerrick of difference and is a wake-up to just a few, then I'll be a happy chappy.
Never in the history of this wonderful country have we been so poorly led and represented by a government that wouldn't know its arse from its elbow. Fair dinkum, WE DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS!
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