As some readers will know, I am a thoroughly true blue Australian. I am a migrant from Scotland and every single day of my life I count my blessings for the opportunities that this Great Country has given me. It should therefore come as no surprise when I say that I am sickened but moreso saddened when I see what is going on around the Country.
You see, dear reader, I have seen it all before. Industry, manufacturing, engineering, stevedoring, transport, mining, construction all depleted and finally wiped out. Wiped out by union greed and government incompetence on both sides of politics I might add.
Let me give you some insight into the future that awaits by visiting the past and telling you what I know to be true.
I grew up in Glasgow , Scotland , a City with a fierce reputation for hard working, hard drinking and hard fighting men. A reputation well earned and well deserved but in many ways it overshadowed the great achievements that were achieved by Scots in general.
Initially a massive port City the envy of any in the world and based on the River Clyde. The city was built by the tobacco lords, the spice lords and shipping magnates. It became one of the richest cities in the world and great development followed.
It became the world hub for shipbuilding with shipyards crammed onto the Clydeside like sardines in a can with massive ships being built for a worldwide market. They built huge cargo ships, massive warships and luxury liners. As a boy, I watched the QE2 funnel rising into the air as she reached completion. With the wind coming from the right direction I could hear the constant hammering of rivet and caulking guns working through the night.
What was at the time the largest standing crane in the world, the Finnieston crane, was used to load massive steam locomotives onto ships destined for the USA , India and all parts of the world including Australia . Locally produced in Glasgow , these mighty machines continue to run to this very day.
Huge underground coalmines provided the black gold that kept industries powered and homes heated. Large cotton mills produced fine fibres and then there was Britains largest export earner immediately before the discovery of North Sea oil, liquid gold called whisky. Fine Scotch whisky exported to every corner of the globe providing rivers of income to the government in Whitehall .
Rolls Roy ce had a large engineering factory manufacturing engines for a variety of uses from shipping to aircraft.
All of these industries provided employment for thousands indeed hundreds of thousands of highly skilled tradesmen, apprentices and manual labourers.
What ensued was more than a tragedy, it was criminally negligent.
So what happened? Unions happened. There was an uprising by union leaders and organisers. Compulsory unionism. No ticket, no start. Demarkation disputes. Wage claims, go-slow, overtime bans, strikes, walkouts. The whole box and dice.
Picture this. You all know the unintelligible Scot, Doug Cameron, former union thug, bully and bovva boy and now an Australian Senator. You see how he behaves but imagine hundreds like him. Raving left-wing ratbags.
They infiltrated every industry in the country and made so many demands upon decent employers, that they simply surrendered and closed causing massive unemployment and social disaster. Governments of the day interfered but could not stop the massive decline. They tried to nationalise shipbuilding, mining and transport, but to no avail.
Closure after closure after closure thanks to the union mugs. Scotland is now an industrial wasteland. It’s a call centre. A basket case with no hope of a return to its former glory. So very very sad.
My desription is compressed into a few paragraphs but is an accurate precis of history as I saw it. Any of it look familiar to you, dear reader? Look around. Look at closures and industries in trouble. Why? Unions have priced indusries out of the market.
Of course there are other factors at work causing the decline in Australia . The attitude that “I want it and I want it now” is killing us. Worse the attitude of some that “I deserve to have what they have” even though not qualified to earn the same.
As an aside. The debate about Scotland ’s independence. Now that the oil is drying up, there is no industry, there are no jobs and no prospects, Whitehall is now happy to divest itself of a dead weight. Anytime Whitehall makes anyone an offer, it only benefits Whitehall .
Welcome to your future, Dear reader.
Good summary and accurate prediction. Tony Abbott's going to have to make harsh decisions like Thatcher and he'll suffer the same fate. But unless he does we'll end up like Scotland. Union power must be crushed forever. They have become the Mugabe, Gaddafi, etc of Australia supported by left wing loonies who have infiltrated and taken control of our education systems and media. Corruption has become acceptable. Absolute power has corrupted absolutely.
The unions at present are just a continuation of the old communist party but in general we just allow them free rein and thru the last Labor government, free reign. Hopefully a Royal Commission might start to open the eyes of the public tho I doubt it.
I saw the writing on the wall 44 yrs ago when Whitehall was gungho about joining the Common Market. No one could give a reason why Britain should join, but there were lots of reasons why not to. As long as Tony Abbott can fend off the white ants Australia stands a chance. But there are so many M P Lawyers with unfed snouts he will be pushing the proverbial uphill!!
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